$150,000 in Funding Available - 2024 Community Support Fund
September 11, 2024

2024 Four Rivers Co-operative Community Support Fund

From September 15, 2024  November 15, 2024, registered charities, non-profit organizations and community groups that depend on funding to complete or start their projects, as well as enhance their facilities and services, are invited to apply up to $150,000 in capital funding.


Community Support Fund Program Guidelines:

Please review our guidelines to determine if your organization is eligible.


Application Submission Window:

September 15, 2024 8:00 AM   November 15, 2024 5:00 PM


Originally, our Community Support Fund provided up to $100,000 in funding. However, with our recent growth and expansion, our Board of Directors increased the funding to $150,000 effective 2023. This adjustment allows us to support more organizations within our trading area that focus on enhancing the quality of life by improving community-identified needs such as activity, health, recreation, connection, and play. Creating vibrant and healthy communities in which we live, work, play and grow.

As of 2023, we have allocated $1,015,699 to over 108 groups since the program began.

View past recipients (CLICK HERE)



For any inquiries or concerns, please contact Maegan Woods, our Marketing and Member Relations Coordinator, at the contact information provided below:

  • Email: maegan.woods@fourrivers.crs
  • Phone: 250-567-4414
  • Toll-Free: 1-877-567-4414
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